Music Service Peer Moderation
Self and Peer Evaluation of Music Services
The FMS has developed “A Framework for Self and Peer Evaluation of Music Services”.
John Witchell, former CEO led on the development of this process and members were consulted extensively. The FMS is also extremely grateful to Margaret Griffiths (former Music HMI) and Frankie Williams (General Inspector Music, Cambridgeshire) for their guidance and help with training the team of FMS accredited Music Self-Evaluation Partners (MSEPs).
As OfSTED is no longer conducting formal inspections of music services, it is important that senior colleagues within music services have an ongoing system of evaluation. It can be difficult to be objective about the development needs of an organisation when one is part of the system itself. It is only by acknowledging our strengths and areas for development that we can continue to improve.
All training and guidance materials are now available within the members area of the website. Log in to gain access or contact
If you are able to log in, on the homepage on the right hand side there is a section called: Members Area
Within this is a heading labelled “Peer Moderation Documentation”
The documentation will be found there.