The FMS – the DNA of Music Education
About us
The FMS represents 98% of all Music Services across England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Channel Isles with 157 members.
We are at the hub of instrumental and vocal music education, a key building block in the renaissance of music in schools. The FMS strategy of reaching out to all music partners, teachers and pupils has created a network of educational excellence that embraces a wide variety of musical genres and innovative teaching methods.
What do we do?
We’re committed to making music a part of every child’s life. As well as representing and supporting local Music Services, we work closely with a number of government departments and public bodies. Read more about our advocacy activities or get in touch.
We work closely with the Department of Education (DfE) (formerly the DCSF), OfSTED and the QCA as well as fellow music organisations such as MEC and NAME.
We make every child’s music matter.